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Frequently Asked Questions
Can you tell more about cosmetic acupuncture?Achieve holistic radiance with Cosmetic Acupuncture. Beauty and healing from the inside out by building qi, supporting circulation, and helping balance the body’s systems. No chemicals, no surgeries, all natural, in the comfort of your HOME! Treatments may also include Gua Sha and facial cupping. Cosmetic Acupuncture helps to target: Acne/Acne scars | Wrinkles | Smile Lines | Boost collagen | Swollen Face | Forehead Lines | Eczema | Crow’s feet | Drooping Eyelids | Hyperpigmentation | Sculpting | and more...
Who can get Cosmetic Acupuncture done?Cosmetic acupuncture is for anyone – men and women – who are looking to feel (and look) better. This can be a compliment to other cosmetic procedures, but also a natural alternative to many cosmetic procedures.
Where does cosmetic acupuncture come from?Facial/Cosmetic Acupuncture is rooted in Traditional Chinese Medicine. It was originally used to treat people with Bell's Palsy, stroke, or internal imbalances that showed up on the skin. The face's weak or drooping muscles were successfully treated by acupuncturists, resulting in skin that was more symmetrical and firmer. Acupuncturists began offering facial acupuncture as a cosmetic treatment over time,stimulating the acupoints and knowing that balancing internal systems would enhance the skin's radiance and target skin conditions.
Does Cosmetic Acupuncture hurt?Facial Acupuncture needles are even thiner than regular acupuncture needles, so you wont feel it. At times patients may experience a sensation or tingling feeling right at the point of insertion, but as the needles are so thin, there is little or no pain associated.
Can I get Cosmetic Acupuncture if I have Botox or Fillers?Yes, I will just avoid facial areas treated with Botox within 4 weeks, or fillers within 3 months. Just be sure to tell me where you received your injections.
How many session will I need and how often?It really varies from skin to skin, in general, I recommend a series of 8-10 regularly treatments for best results. After completing your treatment plan, maintenance treatments can be done periodically as needed to maintain your youthful glow. Note, even in just one session, you may see the lifting, anti-inflammatory and brightening results. I suggest two times a week or at least once a week session for optimal results.
Where are you located?My clinic is located in Summerhill: ​ Address 1246 Yonge St, suite #303 (Optimum Health Centre) Toronto, 8 M4T 1W5, CA ​ By Appointment Only I also service surrounding areas with at home appointments, including but not limited to: ​ Aurora Newmarket Mississauga Scarborough Thornhill Markham Vaughan Richmond Hill Niagara Region Burlington Hamilton Collingwood Contact to see if visits are made to your area.
Does acupuncture hurt?Acupuncture needles are thiner than human hair, so you wont feel it. At times patients may experience a sensation or tingling feeling right at the point of insertion, but as the needles are so thin, there is little or no pain associated.
What are the best reasons to get acupuncture done / what are the benefits?From depression to musculoskeletal issues, acupuncture treats a variety of conditions. Treatments are customized to your unique needs to ensure the root cause of your symptoms is addressed in its entirety - rather than typical band-aid fixes.
What conditions can it help with?Frozen shoulder Sciatica Back Pain Neck pain Knee Pain Tennis elbow Golfers elbow Carpal tunnel Tendonitis Post surgical pains Joint pains Osteoarthritis Strokes Bells pulsy Headaches/Migraines Heart burn Constipation Chronic diarrhea Menstrual cramps Insomnia Anxiety Depression Weight loss concerns Low Appetite Fertility concerns Respiratory disorders Heart pain/palpitation and more...
Are your services covered under insurance?It would be under Acucpunture, please check if your isnruance has coverage for that. After our treatment I can provide you with the information to submit an insurance claim.
Where are you located?My clinic is located in Summerhill: ​ Address 1246 Yonge St, suite #303 (Optimum Health Centre) Toronto, 8 M4T 1W5, CA ​ By Appointment Only I also service surrounding areas with at home appointments, including but not limited to: Aurora Newmarket Mississauga Scarborough Thornhill Markham Vaughan Richmond Hill Niagara Region Burlington Hamilton Collingwood Contact to see if visits are made to your area.
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